Monday, March 22, 2010


I asked him to Backwards today. I got a Swedish Fish bag and put a pink bow on it. Then I put that candy bag into a pink bag, and I flled the bag with rainbow stuffing-paper stuff. FLOR wrote a card for me that said: Michael Bishop "The Greatest Catch": Out of all the fish in the sea, will you be the one to go to Backwards with me?
Cliche, I know. I liked it though.
I gave it to his football teacher to present to him during his football period.
Hopefully, it was a success.
And hopefully, I'm allowed to go.

*Knock on wood*


  1. it was a success :D

  2. yay! now the only problem is if i'm allowed to attend or not...

  3. cough you mean someone else wrote it for you
